During the release of the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi on March 14, 1997, Albin Johnson and Tom Crews donned Stormtrooper (TK) armor to celebrate this exciting event. The reaction of the fans in the theater was so thrilling, that it gave Albin & Tom an idea. The website “Detention Block 2551” was created, telling the stories of… Read more →

It was on February 21, 1997, when Albin Johnson put on a stormtrooper (TK) costume for the first time for the premiere of the Special Edition of Empire Strikes Back. This day began the long journey of where we are today. Read more →

Hello to all, and happy holidays! With most holiday events having been canceled last year as a result of the pandemic, the Midwest Garrison is in full swing this year, as the Empire makes sure to spread it’s holiday cheer throughout the Galaxy (specifically, near and around the Chicagoland area). As we enter into the holiday season, we invite you… Read more →

Happy 501st Day! To celebrate, 501st Legion members were chosen at random to create this mosaic. There’s at least one member present from each unit. Read more →

A new year of social media content is coming. We also look forward to more virtual/video greetings until we see you again. Meantime, here’s the year in review. Read more →

“Rough times do not last, however tough individuals do” Read more →

The Midwest Garrison Command Staff would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year 2020! As a garrison, we ring in this new year with hope and excitement of what this new year will bring. We are celebrating our Twenty first year as a garrison in 2020. 2019 was a fun year as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary,… Read more →