OK now I have a BIG problem.......

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Post by SHortTrooper »

TS826 wrote:If your (currently) focusing on the calf pieces, I would say cut the bottoms first and allow the piece to drop as far as you can.
Don't cut to much as you don't want the piece to be too short.
The top, as you probably know, should be just below the knee.

Then, if you need to trim the top of the backside calf piece, go for it.

As mentioned, do a little at a time and continually test fit it to determine how it will wear and if it is going to pinch.
Take as much off as you need to be comfortable while walking, running, climbing stairs etc.

The auto door trim, that jaster mentioned, is also a decent possibility
and in fact matches the ROtJ troopers.

I am going to try the armor on tomorrow and have my daughter take some pics of me wearing it so you can see what it looks like so far......

Hopefully I can have them onhere by tomorrow night.

I will do a tiny bit of cutting on each calf bottom and see if this helps first.

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Post by SHortTrooper »

Sorry I havent tried to send pics but we've had a problem here. For the last week we've had 3 attempted break ins in my house and they succeeded in getting into my neighbors home. They took cash and some of her checks. She wasent home at the time but they may have abused her dog :( Now my girls are petrified to be here.

They tried to come into my home while I was in the bathroom and they may have been watching me through the window through the cracks in the blinds. I was alone and it was close to 9 pm.I could hear them trying to pull the window open..and I ran when I heard it. I flicked on the bright outside lights and the neighbors dog was going bonkers ...

Scared the crap out of me and I did tell the police a bout it today. I was scared to tell any one as I had reported some one before and they had found out and threatened my life....Since then I had moved and now it is happening again...What I wouldn't give to have a real Storm Trooper in front of my house or a good AT AT walker!!! I saw in the paper today they have had thieves breaking into numerous homes over the last month !

now every time I hear a noise at night i freak out. I know God is there to protect us but these people have no fear as these thieves have entered peoples homes while they were sleeping!

I have thought of making up a mannequine and placing it in front of my windows. I am getting some sensor lights to put in my yard....

Please if you can......pray for our safety....

Will hopefully get those pics up as I'm having a problem with the "butt" part of the armor..it's too high and can I trim it down to fit my lower Back??? and the ummm front protector is too high too...can that be trimmed?

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Post by bassclarinets »

do you have a cell phone or a cordless phone - what i did when i was freaking out worried, i would have my phone literally under my pillow or within hands reach at all times so i could call for help asap..

i know it doesn't give you the instant safety, but it gives you the lifeline ..

hopefully those idiots get caught soon..

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Post by SHortTrooper »

bassclarinets wrote:do you have a cell phone or a cordless phone - what i did when i was freaking out worried, i would have my phone literally under my pillow or within hands reach at all times so i could call for help asap..

i know it doesn't give you the instant safety, but it gives you the lifeline ..

hopefully those idiots get caught soon..

I hope they get caught soon too....They have invaded a lot of peoples lives and nerves are shattered. My girls are now sleeping on the floor in my room from stress.

I have 3 cell phones that are within reach at all times and two wall phones. Since I can't run that fast and have problems it's easier to have a phone in every room.

I leave my lights on outside and have three bolts on the back door, and I lock all my windows and storm windows.I lock my car doors. We are thinking about getting a dog, but financially we might not be able to afford the dogs upkeep.

I have a Storm Trooper alarm I bought on Ebay and am trying to get the batteries for it. I am going to have it make the alarm sound on it and place it at the base of our bedroom stairs....

I am thinking of also getting BRinks security but it may be outside of my budget so my Dad has told me to get the sensor lights for outside the house.

I am hoping and praying they will catch these people and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law......


The last people whose house they broke into the woman woke up to see the guy holding a flash light over her in her bed....

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Post by TI4438 »

At the very least,you might want to have something handy to crown them with.A baseball bat perhaps.

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Post by SHortTrooper »

TD5621 wrote:At the very least,you might want to have something handy to crown them with.A baseball bat perhaps.

I have a 36 inch long 2 inch wide dowel rod by my bed. :evil:

ANd I am not afraid to use it.....

We had a 4 1/2 ft long male Corn Snake named Valentine who could sense when a person was going to hurt us. A man I was dating (Not any more!)tried to assault me in my home and my youngest got Valentine out of the cage. He went after her and the snake stood up cobra style and spit in the guys face as he reached for her. THe man stopped and I warned him to leave us alone or the snake would get chance to chomp him as a reward for hissing at him.Valentine obligingly at that moment opened his mouth to hiss again and he could see his nice row of jagged teeth he had (26 of them!!!!) :twisted:

We unfortunatly had to donate Valentine and his mate to a center for snakes as we found out since we have compromised immune systems we could get serious infections from his droppings. The owners let us see Valentine and his mate any time we want :D

BTW, we reported the man to the police dept and he was apprehended

He is now on probation and on a order of protection to stay away from me and he has.......

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Post by bassclarinets »

Diana - has everything in your neighborhood been ok for the past few days? (just checking)

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Post by SHortTrooper »

bassclarinets wrote:Diana - has everything in your neighborhood been ok for the past few days? (just checking)

Well it was ok till last night when some one threw pumpkins and its guts all over my sidewalk and behind my car 15 minutes after I got home from Womens Bible Study!!! There was no one and I mean NO ONE in the area when I came home and I ran onto my pourch and locked myself in the house..So in a 15 minute span of time some one came from God only knows where and vandlized peoples houses and driveways with garbage and pumpkins all up and down my street...and these weren't small one either, these were big enough to do serious damage to my car if it hit the widows or the windshield...

My oldest had come back from being on a date and saw the stuff all over the sidewalk and behind my car....I cleaned it up in the morning as this was late at night and I didn't feel safe cleaning it up in the dark.

The police have been on calls all over our street and it is getting worse. My oldest is now wanting to be at her friends house and not be here as she is afraid some one will try to get in if I am not home during the day. My 13 year old is very fearful of ANY loud noises outside and she and her sister are still sleeping in my room.

IT seems like all of a sudden it's the whole city has been invaded by infidels who think they have the right to just go into some ones house and take stuff they want for themselves. 7 people have had thier homes invaded now and one poor lady encountered 2 men in her kitchen as she came down stairs to get a drink of water at 2 am! SHe wasent hurt but she screamed loud enough for her husband to call 911 as he was upstairs and by the time he had gotten down stairs they were gone...

I couldn't see any tracks where the men had tried to get into my house last week in the bathroom window but I cleared the brush away so dirt is exposed so IF they do try it again they will leave a mark.

I am doing ok but I worry now when I leave my home that it will be invaded while I am gone....


SO now I try to be home at nightfall, and my neighbor watches my house when I am gone and I watch her house when she is gone during the day.

On the armor front, I have figured out that I can trim little by little off the bottom of my shin armor and that I need to trim some off the top of the thigh armor and cut a point off the back of one of the thigh tops. I need to cut about an inch off the top of the butt piece as it is too long .

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Post by SHortTrooper »


OK now I know I can't do snaps......

I had some vinyl laft over from the pauldron I made and I decided to make a holster for my blaster and see if I could do it. It didn't come out half bad, and I decided to put some snaps on it to see if I could do it.

Well 2 broken snaps and 2 sore fingers later I did get them on but not very tight....I hit my fingers as the were tremoring as I tried to hold the thing you hit to push the pin into the snap parts and boy did that hurt!!!!!!!

I know one thing I would never make it doing the snaps for the armor :shock:

I think I got them tight enough but it seems a little loose as I pull the snaps open and close them.

I tried one of those plier things and they are too hard for me to grip.....

At least I tried!!! :D

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Post by Schph Gochi »

Well....if you decide to go with snaps....I did tell you that I would help...
you would have to come to my place because I want to make sure I have all of the "stuff" I need....and back up plans/resources that are at my house..


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Post by SHortTrooper »

Schph Gochi wrote:Well....if you decide to go with snaps....I did tell you that I would help...
you would have to come to my place because I want to make sure I have all of the "stuff" I need....and back up plans/resources that are at my house..


If I can drive up there it may be later next year, maybe March or April if I do. Snow and I don't get along and I still haven't gotten permission to drive long distances yet :( How far away from my town are you?

I do want to get this done so I am hoping when I see the Neurologist in Jan. he will let me drive!

Short Trooper (Diana)
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Post by Schph Gochi »

If you are not allowed to drive....let me know.....I will have to see about going down to Ottawa at some point in February...

as noted....
I am always concerned that the one tool/supply that I need I will not have...
and then the trip and gas are wasted....
here at my house...I am able to pull a lot of things out of my butt....
I have containers full of
paints and painting supplies
leatherworking (snaps) stuff
tools like rotary tool, sanders etc
sewing machine (for straps and such)
sewing supplies like straps, elastic
hand tools
rivits and screws...

All of the above items used or possibly needed and or used in cutting and revamping my armor..
one never knows....
and if one is not prepared...
everything comes to a screeching halt...

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Post by SHortTrooper »

Will definatley let you know if I can't drive long distances. I am so hoping to get some answers on this illness I can taste it!

I have stored my armor till I can get it worked on properly and make sure it is done right.

Thank you for the offer and will let you know what the Dr says in a few weeks...If I had my choice I'd like to go tomorrow!

I do have some supplies here tho...

a sewing machine

A dremel drill I can borrow from my Dad

I have some elastics here and I can get some of the adhesives if you need them. I also have some industrial strength Velcros.

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Post by Schph Gochi »

I do prefer to use my own sewing machine as I know how it works...
and its habits...
and I also prefer to use my own tools...
because I know how they work...and if I break something..
I will break my own...

Industial strength velcro is a must....
white and black...
also sew on velcro in white and black for some applications...

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Post by Schph Gochi »

told you I would find your thread...

here are the photos that you wanted....I think....
front and back of the ab piece....




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Post by SHortTrooper »


Oh yeah! These are perfect!!!!!!


Now I remember what to do.

BTW, I got all the velcro off the armor that needed it off and my Dad has some cleaner That can take the residue from the glue off. He also has some clamps at his house that I can use and it may be better to glue the pieces there as they won't be disturbed after gluing. My Dad can do the gluing as my hands shake too much when holding the glue applicator, and I might slob it all over the armor. :evil:

I did get a neck seal made and sewed it on the machine with little shaking in my hands as I did it and I was happy I could do that.

I did find the Rebel NErf Blaster on Amazon.com and put it on hold to purchase next month. I also found a few of the fabrics in Wal-Mart I would need for the costume but I need to finish my Trooper first!

THank you for the pics and if I need any thing more I'll ask...

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Post by TK895 »

Make sure that after you get all of the residue off the armor you wipe it down with a bit of mild dishsoap and rinse it. It will degrease the plastic and the glue will work better.

We will have to get you to an armor party in your area soon. Get that kit all fixed up. :)
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Post by SHortTrooper »

TK895 wrote:Make sure that after you get all of the residue off the armor you wipe it down with a bit of mild dishsoap and rinse it. It will degrease the plastic and the glue will work better.

We will have to get you to an armor party in your area soon. Get that kit all fixed up. :)
Schph Gochi did a lot of cutting for me on the armor already and that was a HUGE help for me. There would of been no way my hands would of held that cutter with out shaking all over and I would of had a huge jagged mess of my armor. :shock: I was happy I could do the sanding with minmal shaking of my hands.

I had thought of the dishsoap rinse as I know it's a mild degreaser.

What would a good glue remover be? I have heard of goop gone..Would that be ok?

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Post by TK895 »

Goo Gone works well but because of the orange oils the dishsoap is a must to finish with. :)

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Post by SHortTrooper »

TK895 wrote:Goo Gone works well but because of the orange oils the dishsoap is a must to finish with. :)

Thank you and I will write this down so I wont forget!

All I have to do now really is finishing cleaning the armor and putting everything together with glue or the industrial strength velcro or the sew on velcro.

SHort Trooper (Diana)
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