My Armor Mods

Tips and tricks for Star Wars-related costumes and props. Armor builds and other SW costuming questions and answers.

Moderator: Garrison Officers

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My Armor Mods

Post by TK471 »

I posted this at too...

I wanted to share these some time back, I took these photos some time ago, some various mods I did to my armor (which have held up pretty well, I've never fallen apart):

Here's my upper armor, I have velcro/elastic straps under the shoulder strips, and those one rivet in the front, inside. The shoulder bells and upper arm bits, have nylon straps, with rivets (I should have used elastic straps, but this works for now)

An inside view:

View of my codpiece mod, from the inside (I also had made a leather belt, but it sucks... going to replace with a cloth belt):

Here's my lower back/'butt' plate mod:

And my leg pieces with shims:

On the calves, on the inside front, I put some velcro, also on the top front of my boots. This was to help prevent the calf piece from spinning around my leg, as it would tend to to.

I am going to be reworking my amor a bit, but these mods have worked out OK for me.

-Pete, TK-471

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