IL-Chicago-Museum of Science & Industry Action-July 17,

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IL-Chicago-Museum of Science & Industry Action-July 17,

Post by TKvanB »


Name of Event: Museum of Science & Industry Action!
Date(s): 17 July 2004
Place: Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago, IL.
Coordinator/Point of Contact: Kathy, Mike (MSI - Jeff DeLong)

Link to event Information:
MSI Promo Page
Action! Exhibit
Escape from Zircon - Enter film #2692
MWG Private Forum
MWG Illinois Board
RPF Board Mention

MWG Members that attended:
TK9989 - Kathy van Beuningen - Stormtrooper
TI2079 - Andrew Marsh Tie Pilot
TK0549 - Bob Merritt - Vader
ID1951 - Phyllis Schulte - Jedi
TK159 - Jim Pier - Stormtrooper
TK737 - John Duffy - Stormtrooper
TI3228 - Jessi Tampa - TIE Pilot
TI1020 - Jim Tampa - TIE Officer
TK321 - Robb Roidt - Stormtrooper
TK895 - Mike Washko - Tuskin
TK1216 - Bob Walton - Sandtrooper
TK826 - Damian Jorgensen - Stormtrooper
TI3853 - Jim DeJan - TIE pilot
TK265 - Javier Esqueda - Stormtrooper
TB0101 - Aimee Jorgensen - Bikerscout
TA2215 - Orlando Ledezma - ATAT pilot
TK0585 - Trent Thornton - Stormtrooper
BH2460 - David Foust - Boba Fett
Toby Markham - Captain Jack Sparrow
Emily Glick - Nightcrawler
JediJeff - Jeff Wilk- Jedi
Bob Marsh - Rebel Pilot

Pictures located at:
Mike's Pictures
Trent's Pictures
Jim's Pictures
Toby's Pictures

Summary write up:

Wow! That is the best way to sum up this huge event. The hundreds of smiles that were brought to people’s faces was something to behold. EVERYONE that participated, and the guests/staff at the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) all said the same basic thing - when are we going to do this again. The response was overwhelming positive.

The MSI exhibit includes several ILM artifacts from Star Wars, plus a ton of other movies props, costumes and more. The second part of the exhibit features a Hollywood soundstage where visitors can experience how movies are made by starring in their own movie.

It is a BLAST!

Little did we know that the response was going to be so huge!

There is no way I could capture the essence of this event alone, so below are quotes from the people in attendance:


What a blast!!! As cool as trooping in the museum was, the exhibit after the fact was really cool!

The museum people loved us-even guards and janitors and mech guys I hadn't seen came up to us after the fact and told us what a hit we were...there was one guy that asked how long we'd be there because he wanted his wife to bring his son down-he was thrilled when we told him we'd probablly be back again.

Thanks for the great memories, all!

- Aimee

It was great!

It was like De-ja-vu today. I kept thinking I was at Magic of Myth except the dinosaurs were missing and how much fun we really had in our "younger days".

Did I mention this was great?!

Like Aimee said, they all really liked us They even liked the Jedi, even though I suppose the Jedi used some kind of mind trick on them and everyone wanted to know when we were coming back.

Jeff Paging a "Mr. Ben Kenobi, please come to the reception desk", was a great host, "Would the owner of a black TIE fighter please move your vehicle", and he told me that he wants us back!

I will certainly do this event again (and again and again!) but please don't let that scare you from coming.

It was nice to see everyone again and I even stayed for longer than 20 minutes!

Emily was an incredible Nightcrawler, and Toby did some pirate thing... and of course the crowd couldn't get enough of them and their beautiful costumes!

And the most amazing part of today?
I didn't get lost trying to find the Museum and end up in St. Louis.

- Robb


It was definitely a good time...

...and yes...I did use mind tricks to have them say they like the Jedi told a few of the kids that looked at the Stormtroopers in terror that the Jedi were there to protect them...I don't think they bought it though....

and...yes...the people that worked and volunteered there were great....I had a couple of long conversations with a few of them...they all hoped that we would be back....and I think Jeff mentioned that if we did come back...he would block a time at "Escape from Zircon" just for us? Possibly doing it in costume?

Thanks Kathy and Mike for putting together a very awesome event....

- Phyllis


This was so much fun!

And for the first time in a very, very long time (may be even forever), EVERY ONE SHOWED UP!


Let's do it again!

- Kathy


Thanks so much for organizing this. It was a thrill to be a part of it and to be part of this organization.

- Jim


Just amazing!!!

- Orlando


I wanted to express my gratitude to everyone that was here on Saturday. It was a total success.

- Jeff DeLong
Promotions & Sponsorship Manager
Museum of Science & Industry

TK/SL/ID 549
Midwest Garrison
501st Legion

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