Event:Boo at the Zoo
Where: Miller Park Zoo
When: Sunday, October 26th, 2014
We had a great turnout from the public as well as costumed participants. It was great to see people from the far north, far south, far east, and far far west (70th explorer Members)

Mark Berry (4265) (Coordinator) Mostly table duty for BaT
Jim Lawver (761) Tusken
Brad Hartsock (1397) TK
Ryan Sommers (2428) Darth Maul
Rick Devine (6712) TK
Chip Childress (9965) Vader
Paul S Machnick (11222) Boba
Andrew A Taylor (50431) crew
Eric Vietti (57121) Clone
Nicole VanBrooker (57412) Juno Eclipse
Dylan Van Horn (71613) Tie Pilot
Debra Bitner (82913) Tusken
Scott Miller (91110) AT-AT driver
Rich Hefferan (70th) X-wing
James Kelly - hyperguyver2
Justin Smith - Dragansfire - Starkiller As a Merc
Prudii Raptor - Adam Henry
Cuyan Atinii - Steven Stock
Karth Dago - James Lawver
Thoranios Xast'or - Tyler
Unofficial and future members
Natasha Meckley Jedi
Charolete Hardsock Jawa
Katie Reed Mando