Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (11-22-12)

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Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (11-22-12)

Post by Fleetfang »

On November 22nd, 2012, the Midwest Garrison and Nar Shaddaa Base were honored to march in the 79th Annual Chicago McDonald's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day, almost thirty troops and their friends and family converged on downtown Chicago. As in past years, we got there early, and the anticipation built as we waited for our unit to move out onto State Street. We had plenty of time to socialize and to meet the Midwest Garrison's newest recruits. This was the first official troop for three new Legion members: Olivier Mattelaer (ID-8392), David Klima (TK-12155), and Tyler Meier (DZ-50488), and they all performed admirably!
This was also the first outing for two new costumes for existing members. Jon Weger unveiled his finished snowtrooper uniform, and Carrie O'Connor's long-awaited helmet made its debut (having been completed for her by Rob Redden, CC-5206, just the night before), finally promoting her crewman up to an Imperial Gunner!

Giving thanks for the Emperor's benevolent rule of the galaxy!

The Midwest Garrison extended mercy to the local Rebels from Nar Shaddaa Base, in honor of the holiday...

The march up State Street was at a brisk pace, perhaps faster than any of us remembered from last year. We paraded past cheering and waving crowds, and by the time we reached the "TV Zone," we were more than ready for our close-up! Check out the video on YouTube here: ... oOtpx5EWV4

Dark Lord on the march!

Imperial Gunners, proud to be flying "Ol' Impy"!

Rebels and Imperials, marching together -- mass hysteria!

As an added treat for the audience, volunteers from several units in the parade were invited to join in on a finale dance-off at the end of the show. Some brave members of the MWG and NSB wouldn't have missed this opportunity for anything. You can catch a glimpse or two of some troops in this video that captured the spectacle:

I'd like to thank everyone who took time out of the family holiday to share a morning with your "Legion" family. I think we all had a great time at this event, and getting to troop with each of you that day was something I was personally very thankful for.

* 11/22/12 IL Chicago - Thanksgiving Day Parade

1781 Rich Markle (Darth Vader)
1951 Phyllis Schulte (Rebel Fleet)
2834 Kevin Glass (TK)
3127 Cheryl Whitaker (Jedi)
3193 Mike Olsen (General Kenobi)
3446 Neil Auer (IG)
3620 Rudy Grasha (Boba Fett)
4186 Roland Batrouni (TK)
4408 Craig "Hyper" Provine (TK) (Great Lakes Garrison)
4913 Thomas "Crix" Turner (Rebel Pilot)
7345 Steve Mammen (TK)
7898 Carrie Dee O'Connor (IG)
8392 Olivier Mattelaer (ID)
8593 James Uphoff (CT)
8596 Matt Frysztak (TK) (Bloodfin Garrison)
8968 Brian Troyan (IG)
9142 Jon Weger (TS)
9336 Kevin Skiera (TK)
9989 Kathy van Beuningen (TS)
12155 David Klima (TK)
50488 Tyler Meier (DZ)

Especially big thanks to the folks who traveled far to be there at such an early hour, coming from Indiana and Michigan, and in some cases on very little sleep. You guys rock!
And special thanks, also, to the Rebel Legion members, aspiring 501st Legionnaires, and support personnel who came out to march and take photos with us! You guys all helped make it great!

Brandon Grasha (TK)
Rudy Grasha the Younger (support)
Conor Markle (Luke Skywalker)
Lance Neilson (support)
Tabitha Schmidt (Dark Jedi)
Dylan van Horn (Jedi)
Meg van Horn (support)

Check out the more than five hundred photos that were taken that morning in the Midwest Garrison Photo Archive!

Well done, troopers!

Brian Troyan __________________________ Fleetfang
501st Legion Public Relations Officer (2012-2017)
Midwest Garrison Commanding Officer (2013-2017)
"Think of the solution, not the problem."

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Re: Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (11-22-12)

Post by Rebel Doughboy »

Great turn out! Fantastic PR! Woo!

However, I think I might need a new costume because right now I look like a dwarf TK.
Many bothans died to bring you this post...the tearing of ligaments and almost the loss of a TK's finger...


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Re: Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (11-22-12)

Post by TI4438 »

Don't worry about it.You look fine. :thumbs:

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Re: Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (11-22-12)

Post by Runnin'6712 »

ToD updated. Great job everybody! :thumbs:

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